GoldLantern Guide

Upon entry

Upon logging in you are presented by a full list of reports. We call them Platinum Platters. This acts as a quick view for all the Data you have gathered.

You can adjust the data through

  • Date range
  • The date range values can be adjusted on different ranges. ex: 30 days, 90 days, a year etc.

  • Traffic source
  • All the graphs can be adjusted by which traffic source you want to focus on. You just need to click the checkbox and GL will produce the results

The Graphs can also be aggregated by

  • Day
  • Month
  • Year

The Graphs

Our focus in Gold Lantern is to show the 4 main statistics that drive your business

  • Sales
  • Profit
  • Traffic
  • Optins

These graphs can be viewed depending on how you want it. Can be a pie, bar , line etc…

To adjust the graphs, you can go over the graph icons which can be found at the upper right corner of each graph

  • 1. For Pie Chart
  • 2. For Area
  • 3. For Line
  • 4. For Bar

Hover your mouse inside the graph and you are able to see more details of traffic source performance

Top Domains

This shows all the domains currently getting traffic and is using Gold Lantern.

Look closely on the report and you will see some numbers that are clickable ( numbers that are blue with an underline )

  • leads
  • unique leads
  • click sales
  • cross-domain sales
  • products

This means that the data within it is expandable. for example if you click on the “LEADS” section

you will be able to see everyone that opted in and each individual's information.

The Yellowish bar on top of the table are the aggregated stats of all the TOP DOMAINS

Best and Worst Performing - Campaign

This helps you take a quick action on specific ads. You can

  • Pause
  • Remove
  • View

As for the moment only Google and Facebook have these statics on the homepage.

To quickly ENABLE, PAUSE or REMOVE a campaign. you can click on the green button and select the action desired (See Part 1)

You can instantly go to the Campaign by clicking on the campaign name as well. (See Part 2)

The graph view can be adjusted vertical or horizontal by clicking this graph icon

Best and Worst Performing - Text ads

Same with campaigns features we can easily take quick action on the Text ads level

Easily switch a Text Ad Status by clicking on the Enabled Button and select the desired acton

Look closely and you will see the Campaign and Adgroup are NAMES are clickable, this enables you to navigate to the specific campaign or adgroup.

Best and Worst Performing - Image Ads

Same with other Best and Worst Performing Platters. It helps us take quick actions.

Easily switch a Image Ad Status by clicking on the Enabled Button and select the desired action

Look closely and you will see the Campaign and Adgroup are NAMES that are clickable, this enables you to navigate to the specific campaign or adgroup.

Relevance Score

This report shows how relevant an Ad is to the traffic/audience it’s being distributed to.

Quick actions can be done here to change the status of the Ad by clicking on ENABLED and select the desired action

Geo Locations

This report show how your ads are performing on specific countries

Top Performing Products

Get all your products sales performance

Navigate to #Sales to see a more detailed information of each sale

Top Performing Traffic Sources

Besides from the main Sources like Adwords, Facebook and Twitter. Gold Lantern is flexible on using other Traffic Source platforms like Youtube, pinterest, blog comments etc.

Step into the report and you’ll see a bunch of clickable items (blue underline links) each giving you a more in depth information of a specific traffic source.

Click on the Traffic Source Name on the left, to view more details of that source.

The links on Lead show the emails that opted into the traffic source

and the links on sales category open up a more defined detail of sales

This report offers a view on the Link level of traffic sources

Like the other reports the (blue links) are clickable items that displays a deeper level of information.

When you click on the Traffic Source Link, you will be redirected to the Report page of the selected Traffic Source

Leads displays the details, emails the opted in.

And the Sales shows more in depth details

Now let’s focus on the other icons.

  • Edit Link - Edit the URL destination of the link.
  • Enter Cost - Cost is used for generating a more accurate sales report.
  • Copy URL - Copies the URL destination with GL tag.
  • GoldLantern Tag - Informs the user that the Link is already tagged.

Top Emails

Reports the top emails in your Email Campaign

When you click the Email Campaign, you will be redirected to the selected campaign

Sales links displays a in depth views on email campaign sales performance

Now focus on the 3 icons

  • Clipboard URL destination (See number 1)
  • Edit Email (See number 2)
  • Preview Email (See number 3)

Visitor Value Over Time

Shows the Average visitor value of all selected Traffic Sources.

This report can be adjusted by date range

Where to get the Tracking Code

You can get your tracking code on the TOP most menu of Gold Lantern “Get Tracking Code”.

Parts of the Tracking Code

Here’s is a sample of one of our clients tracking code

  • _gl_client = ‘50’
  • Is the unique identification of a client

  • _gl_page_type
  • Tells Goldlantern what type of page its currently placed

  • _gl_optin
  • Required field when you want to track optins

  • _gl_amount
  • Used on post checkout processing pages, when you want to track sales and conversions

  • _gl_redirect_url
  • Used when you want to make GL do the redirection, this also makes tracking 100% sure that it got triggered

  • _gl_sale_code
  • an optional field but if added will make data much more accurate. Sale Code is usually an receipt number, transaction number or order id. Should be unique for every transaction.

  • _gl_product_code
  • another optional field but will make data much more accurate. Product codes are usually the SKU or Product ID

  • _gl_products
  • As said in the tracker, if this variable is populated, the product_code and amount is omitted

  • var _gl_products = [{a: 9.99, p:'PROD1'}, {a: 18.88, p:'PROD2'}]; This is commonly used for Shopping Cart Transactions. Every item will be placed inside the brackets. The example above shows that there were 2 items sold priced 9.99 and the other 18.88. every item should be separated with comma.

Setup tracking for Custom Websites

If your business is run under Custom Websites where you or your team has full control of code and process code. This section is for you.

Setting up tracking for Landing pages

Here an example of a landing page of one of our clients. It’s objective to be able to capture emails of interested customers and get it tracked in Gold Lantern.

Step 1: Copy to clipboard your Goldlantern Tracking code

Step 2: Paste the Tracking code just before

Step 3: Make sure that _gl_page_type value is the same category as the webpage. in our example above, it was using “optin” value.

Setting up Optin Tracking

So now that we got the customer who landed on the page, let’s track if they will optin. For this scenario, our client is using a process page which retrieves email from the URL parameters.

ex:[email protected]

Step 1: Copy the Gold Lantern tracking code to the page.

Step 2: put “optin_thankyou” as the values of _gl_page_type

Step 3: put the email of the customer as value _gl_optin, note: you’ll need to be a webmaster to understand the code

Setting up the Sales Tracking

Lets make sure the Gold Lantern is able to Track your sales. This is done usually on a POST SALE PROCESSING page or a THANK YOU page.

Here’s an example our client doing it on a POST SALE PROCESSING page.

Step 1: Copy your Gold Lantern Tracking code

Step 2: Make sure that Data from the Transaction or Sale is passed over to your POST SALE PROCESSING PAGE or THANK YOU PAGE.

Step 3: Retrieve the order information, in our example below the Client is using $_SESSIONS as the container of the data of the order

Step 4: Make sure the following values have order details

Step 5: The _gl_page_type to be use can be. ex: sales_thankyou, upsell_thankyou.

Setup tracking for Wordpress

Our clients use wordpress as a Landing page or Optin page then the sales conversion is done on another system.

We made a wordpress plugin so you can easy setup your Goldlantern tracking in 3 simple steps

Setting up Tracking

Step 1: Download Gold Lantern Plugin from Wordpress
( download it in this link )

Step 2: Install to Wordpress and open the plugin click add new then click upload plugin

Step 3: After you installed the Gold Lantern Plugin.

Setup tracking for Ontraport

Setup tracking for Clickbank

Setting a Landing Page or Blog Tracking

  • Copy the whole Tracking code
  • Replace _gl_page_type to either landing, salesletter, blog.

Setting a Successful Customer Optin track

An optin usually has 2 pages, the Landing and the Thank you page.

  • On the Landing page, put GL code
  • put value to _gl_page_type as “optin”
  • On the Thank You page, put GL code
  • put value to _gl_page_type as “optin_thankyou”
  • add the email of the customer in _gl_optin.
  • ex: _gl_optin = “[email protected]”;

Setting a Successful Conversion

A successful payment transaction takes 2 parts. it is usually order form page to thank you page or it can be order form page to first upsell page. In either scenario, you will use the same tracking parameters.

  • Add the tracking code to your order form or checkout page
  • put value to _gl_page_type as “order” or “checkout”
  • on the Thank you or Upsell page, add the tracking code
  • put value to _gl_amount as the price paid by customer
  • put the receipt / order / transaction ID to _gl_sale_code
  • put the SKU / Product ID to _gl_product_code

Note: that amount is REQUIRED to know if it’s a conversion.

How to connect to Google Adwords

Gold Lantern’s is powerful because it can integrate itself to the most powerful Traffic Sources in the world. Namely Google and Facebook.

Now lets look how we can setup Google Adwords into Gold Lantern.

Step 1: Click Adwords and Select Accounts then Click Connect Account and Input your Client ID

Step 2: After pressing save, there will be a notification telling you to “Approve Access in adwords by clicking here”. Click HERE to go to your Adwords permission screen

Step 3: Once you are in google adwords, go to account access and look for the link request then click accept then a grant access

Step 4: Refresh the page, look for Administrative owner click “ON”. Click confirm. and then go to Gold Lantern. And you are all set.

Adwords Account Page, Syncing and Auto Tagging Features

After your account has been set. you can define global settings used for every Campaign, Adgroup and AD

Syncing Adwords and Gold Lantern

One of Gold Lanterns features is the ability to Sync All your Adwords account into our system.

This is done by going to the Gear Icon and select Sync with Adwords

Once you have synced everything up, Gold Lantern has the ability to Auto Tag all URL Destinations with Gold Lantern Tracking.

Auto Tagging

Here you are to choose either to Autotag now or After 5 days/50 clicks. note: Autotagging pauses the ad but and re submitted again.

Here are the other available settings on the account level

On the left of the Gear button are Adwords Performance, Category and Query reports which can be downloaded as CSV

Creating your First Campaign

Creating Google Campaign is almost similar on how it’s done in Adwords

Go to Adwords -> Campaign -> Click New Campaign , This will show up a window.

The create the Campaign that will host your adsets and ads. Just like Google Adwords, you are to select the TYPE, NETWORKS, DEVICES, LOCATIONS, LANGUAGES, BID STRATEGIES and BUDGET.

Creating a new Campaign Page

Step 1: Select Account to be used for the new campaign

Step 2: Campaign Name

Step 3: Select what Ad type you will use, choose from

  • Search and Display Network
  • Search Network Only
  • Display Network Only
  • Shopping

When as type is selected. you can focus your targeting even further by selecting

  • Standard
  • Dynamic Search Ads (search only)
  • Mobile App Installs (search only)
  • Engadgement (display only)
  • Ads in Mobile Aps (display only)
  • Product list Ads (shopping)
  • All features

The following settings below dynamically change depending on the TYPE.

Search and Display Network / Search Only

Optimate Channel Sub - you have the option for DEFAULT or MOBILE APP CAMPAIGNS FOR SEARCH

Networks - by default Search and Display Network are both included but you have the option to include Search Partners

Devices - ALL devices are eligible by default

Locations - You can filter your targeting by location by simply entering the address.

Or use the Advanced Search by clicking on the button which allows targeting by range or location group

Languages - Set your target language

Bid Strategy - select a bid type, CPC can be enhanced

Budget - Budget for the campaign

Display Network Only

This extends the current settings with more parameters

Delivery Method - Choose between standard or accelerated

Ad Delivery, Ad Rotation and Frequency Capping

Campaign URL option


Shopping type allows you to link your Google Merchant to Gold Lantern.

And extends the settings

Country of Sale, Campaign Prority, Local and Inventory Filter. You would have to go to Google’s Merchant Documentation to properly use these settings.

Create first Ad Group

Once the campaign is set, you can now create an Adgroup. Creating an adgroup is closely similar to how it’s done in Adwords.

Navigate to the menu and click on Ad Groups

In the Ad Group Page, you may click in “New Adgroup”. This will open a window to create and ad group.

Click SAVE.

Then new Ad Group will show up at the bottom of the Campaign, just like when you created your first campaign.

We have more options for you on this page. Just click on the Gear and a window of different settings show up.

Copying Adgroup

You may choose to copy the whole Ad Group together with its Ads and Trackers. Just go to the Gear button and select Copy, this will open a popup so you can set the settings for your copied Adgroup.

Platform Bids

Ability to add for certain platforms for Computers, Mobile Device and Tables

Create your first Ad

Navigate to the Menu -> Adwords and Ads. This should open the Ads Page

Click on the “New Ad” and this opens a selection of ads you can create in Gold Lantern. Just select the type of Ad you need. To know more about the ad type. you can check on googles documentation

Expanded Text

Allows to create text ads. To show your existing Expanded Text Ads, Click on the book.

Image Ads

Allows to create image ads, Click on the book to display the Image Ads in your library.

Responsive Ads

Allow ads to auto resize depending on aspect ratio of the viewer

Product Ads

Allows to create products creation ads

Dynamic Search Ad

Allows to create dynamic search ads

Call Ads

Allows to create call only ads

Once an Ad is created, it will show up on the report together with a preview of how it would look. On the right of the image/video are more options that you can use.

You can either,

  • Edit
  • Copy
  • Sync with Adwords
  • Add to Library
  • GL tag

Notice that on every Ad, there is a link at the bottom. Hover your mouse pointer over it.

This will show up the URL LINK with a Gold Lantern TAG.
note: Gold Lantern TAGS are very IMPORTANT, it is our way to know which ad got triggered

You will notice that in the URL, there is a parameter/tag “gl=5a0020dac63cb813188b4...”

Every Ad has a unique Gold Lantern link/ad/video etc has its own Tag.

Add Keywords

You can also bid on specific keywords in Gold Lantern to get the precise audience.

Ads Library

This helps you consolidate your ads, images, video etc.. You can easily navigate to this page through clicking Adwords -> Ads Library.


In reports you can find the how to adjust date range, adjust attribution, view details and export data.

Adjust Date Range

You can adjust the date range of the report.

Adjust Attribution

Attribution of sales can be either First Click or Last Click, depending on your preference.

Viewing Details

You may adjust the reporting by clicking on the Gear on the report header. this redirects you to setup and metrics page.

This page allows you to adjust what you want to view on your reports.

Exporting Data

Export all your report data to as CSV file